Wednesday, November 3, 2010



“Tracking leads to substantial difference in the day to day learning experience students have at school”
This quote makes me think of kids with ADHD; having a good day verses having a bad day. Now a good day for someone with ADHD is usually calm and relaxing. It’s a big problem when one can’t focus on a task at hand because without focus they won’t be motivated to do any work for school. A bad day is when one can’t focus and is all over their place. Usually disorganized and unattached to what is in front of them. It reminds me of the movie “UP” when the dog was talking then yells “squirrel.”

“…top track classes spend more class time on learning activities and less on discipline, socializing or class routine...”
It really makes me wonder if a classroom has to be disciplined and on task. I find the better classes are those who incorporate outside resources, life stories, to help explain a topic. In high school a teacher never did what was on the syllabus and would let the students run the class. I feel like they learn more that way rather than a straight lecture about a topic. “Pacing students more in charge of their owned evaluation.”

“…while students in higher-ability classes seem to be much more involved in their class work.”
This quote reminds me of high school again and how there are different levels of learning and you were placed in that level according to your SAT scores. Im not sure if other schools are like that that but i think it’s much more influential because everyone’s learning style is at the same level. Causing the class to be slower or faster in the learning process. This also corresponds with the quote “…and most striking difference among them might be in the speed at which they master sequentially presented skills.”

“Rich get richer and the poor get poorer”
Just had to put this quote because I hate this saying so much even though sadly it’s true.


  1. I had the same thought with you second quote. If these students can learn so weel in a less disciplined room, why can't others? I think that teachers need to put enitial trust in their students, no matter what level they are at, and see what happens.

  2. that last quote is sadly true and i feel the same way towards it as you do. i never realized how truly messed up our society is :/

  3. I also used the last quote. I feel it a truly powerful quote. It sheds a light on how if we do not fix things then this gap will forever keep growing. I also enjoyed the UP reference
